Quest Specials Teachers

Quest Specials Teachers

Friday, September 18, 2015

2015-2016 School Year

Welcome to the Quest Specials Teacher's Blog!

We are:
Carolyn Woods-Physical Education
Mark Zieba-Media
Meaghan Mead-Art
Martha Wyborski-Biechler-Music

Thank you to all families that donated much needed supplies from the "lend a hand."  If you would still like to donate, there are more hands with items needed posted in the front hallway. 

We do many exciting and different things in our classrooms and are excited to help your child grow academically at Quest.  We will update the blog throughout the year to share special news and events. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


A few pictures from our nutrition lessons. Students learned all about My Plate and the importance of eating a balanced diet. 

3rd graders learn the food categories and sort foods. 

Students quiz each other on nutrition facts

5th graders create 3 balanced meals

Team building

To start off the new year classes (K-5) are doing team building activities. We discuss what are good teamwork qualities and we put those words into action. This goes great with our moral focus of the month, perseverance. Good teams often need to overcome an obstacle or challenge to reach their goal and having perseverance is critical.